Broadcasts Overview

Broadcasts are the voice-overs by your DJ that can be played either when required, by schedule or by adding them to the live broadcast rotation. CoverJock provides total broadcast management and user friendly controls that will allow the user to maintain and organize the desired voice output.




  • Personalized club announcements;
  • Easy broadcast management;
  • Choice of DJ voice;
  • Neat and user friendly. 


Live broadcasts explained

From within the broadcast tab all available announcements can be selected or multi selected and added to the live broadcast rotation. This is a simple scheduling device that will play the selected broadcasts at desired intervals. The frequency of the number of announcements to be played can be set easily using the slider control.

Scheduling Broadcasts

Some broadcast may be unsuitable for the live rotation and may be better suited to a specific schedule. The VO schedule will allow specific time schedules and advanced options to ensure announcements are played at the correct times.

On the fly Broadcasts

All Broadcasts can be simply pushed and played at any time from within the broadcast panel. From here they can also be neatly organized into types and playing categories.