Track Editor

New CoverJock incorporates the use of an intelligent track editor facility to assist in organizing and managing your music. Cue points can be easily set to mark the play and end points to tracks to ensure that they are played at the required timing and to eliminate silences or introductions. Other editing features will allow the user to set and amend file tag information and normalize gain and track volume. 


Want to change the details to a track? Here's how:


  1. Open the back office, then tap or click Now Playing tab.

  2. Select a track then right mouse click, select Edit Track Details.

  3. Tap or click on a tab depending on what you want to change.



Summary Tab



Setting What it does
BPM The BPM (beats per minute) of the track is shown
File Type This shows the file extension to the file i.e. mp3, wma, mp4, m4a etc.
Channels Show how many channels the track is setup to use. Default is 2.
Frequency Frequency indicates the quality of the track, standard quality is 44,100. Higher is even better.
File Size Shows the size of the track in space i.e. 3Mb.
Video File This indicates if the track is a video file. If it is a video file it will be displayed on the screens.
Last Played This shows a date and time of when the track was played last in CoverJock.
Date Modified This shows the Windows file tag for when it was last modified.
Date Added This shows the Windows file tag for when it was added to Windows.
Inactive Indicates Yes or No whether the track is banned. If it is inactive, a button will appear saying Reactivatate.
Where Shows the location in the Windows directory structure.
Open Location Tap or click this button to open Windows File Explorer and automatically selects the track.


Information Tab



Setting What it does
Name Edit the name or title of the track. This is used in the search criteria when looking for tracks.
Year Edit the year the track was produced.
Artist Edit the artist of the track. This is used in the search criteria when looking for tracks.
Album Edit the album of the track. This is used in the search criteria when looking for tracks.
Genre Edit the genre of the track. This shows a predefined list of genres for you to select from. Note if the genre is changed, the auto-genre playlist is also modified.


Set Cue Points Tab



Setting What it does
Original Length Shows the original length of track before it's been adjusted.
New Length Show the length of the track after it's been adjusted.
Start Position Shows the start position in time.
End Position Shows the end position in time.
Gain Adjustment This slider bar allows you to adjust the volume of this track. The middle position is 100%, if you slider it to the left it reduces the volume, sliding to the right increases the volume.



If the track cue points change the track length below the minimum length allowed (set in Options > Music Settings) then the track will not be added to the live playlist.