Essential Options

Charges, Values & Settings
Advanced Options
Future Dance Shifts
HQ Emails
No Show Fines
Signing in Settings
Cash Lift Settings
Setting up Devices
Setting up SMS Text Reminders
Loading Contracts
Setting up Free Passes
Setting up required dancer & staff field


  Browse by section


About my Club

Club name, email addresses, club opening hours...


Club Contracts

Add/remove/change staff and dancer contracts here...


Personalize CoverJock by setting background image and locked image...

Dancer Settings

Options for dancers for checking in and advanced settings... 


Local Devices

Select your devices here; receipt printer, scanners, printers and webcams...


Set number of booths/areas in the club and enable the booth monitor...

System Settings

Set the auto time out feature...

Membership & Loyalty

Change settings for our built-in membership and loyalty system...

Advanced System

Select your devices here; receipt printer, scanners, printers and webcams...

SMS Messaging

Setup options for sending SMS messages to dancers and staff...