
Receipt Printing

Use the devices below for this machine only.



What it does


Receipt Printer

Lists all system receipt printing devices installed on the local machine.


When to Print

Use this option choice to set when to print the receipt after a transaction.

Always Print Receipt
Ask to Print a Receipt
Never Print Receipts

Open Drawer String

Each receipt printer has a specific escape sequence to open the cash drawer. For example: the string to open the cash drawer with a Maxatec MT200E is:




To send an escape use round brackets and the character number, for all other characters rap in quotes.


Display Receipt Before Printing

Use this option to view the receipt before printing. If the option is not ticked, it will print the receipt straight away.

Off (default)

Always print when paid with Credit Cards

When a customer pays with a credit card, tick this option to always print a receipt.

On (default)


Always print when paid with Cash

When a customer pays with cash, tick this option to always print a receipt.

Off (default)



If this machine is a POS station and a scanner or webcam is select, after a High Roller has been signed the webcam can be used to take a picture of the customer and/or additional ID can be scanned.


Other Devices



What it does


Standard Printer

Lists all system printer devices installed on the local machine.


Flatbed Scanner

Lists all system twain scanning devices installed on the local machine.



Lists all system twain webcam devices installed on the local machine.



Pager System



What it does


Enable Pager Transmitter on This PC (Tick Box)

The lighting or pager system is connected to one computer. The other computers running BoothPoint all tell the main machine to turn the light or pager on. Tick this box on the computer and the lighting or pager is connected to.

Off (default)

COM Port

Select which port the pager system is connected to.

Range: COM 1 - 10

Capcode (i.e. 070)

Each pager system has a unique code called a capcode. If there is another building close by which has the same pager system, there is no confusion which pagers use which base unit.

Default: 070

Start Code

Version 1: Chr(1) & "1,1," & pagercode & Chr(4)þVersion 2: "CN" & pagercode & "A"þVersion 3: "NF" & pagercode & "A"


End Code

Version 1: Chr(1) & "1,1," & pagercode & Chr(4)þVersion 2: "CN" & pagercode & "A"þVersion 3: "NF" & pagercode & "A"


Pager IP Address

The IP address of the main computer where the pager base unit is attached.